Three months ago I blogged an early warning that Elvis was teaming up with America's house band, The Roots. The album, Wise Up Ghost, is out now (still haven't had a full listen so I'll reserve any attempts to review) but here's a clip of them playing the Elvis classic "I Want You" at the Brooklyn Bowl last week. This whole concept still blows my mind. Dig.
This is happening. Apparently the bespectacled one is teaming up with the baddest house band on the planet. I'm down. Peep the deets here.
I can't tell you how much God Loves Ugly hit home for me - especially at that time (2002). Slug's raps about being an independent, Midwestern artist in his 30's were so uniquely personal. I mean, I LOVE Elvis Costello and I LOVE Tom Waits - but they don't speak to me on the same level as Slug. Dig this.
Now I'm sleeping on floors of temporary friends
But I'm keeping the store front as clean as I can
And I'm sweeping the sky for today's revelation
And I'm needing some time and some proper ventilation