Entries in Run the Jewels (3)
Madhouse Mondays: Meow the Jewels
Killer Mike and El-P are releasing Run the Jewels 2 next week but as part of their Kickstarter campaign, they offered to remake the album using only cat sounds if they reached their goal of $40,000. Well, the gods must be pleased as this is now in happening. Dig this completely ridiculous trailer for the project.
Madhouse Mondays: Run the Jewels 2
Last year, Killer Mike and El-P gave us Run the Jewels. It was raw, gritty and fun as hell. Just in time for Halloween, RTJ2 will be released on October 28th (on Nas' Mass Appeal label). Here's the first single. So gully.
Way Gone Wednesdays: Run the Jewels
El-P and Killer Mike are going hard on thier collaboration project, Run the Jewels (the album is free btw). Here's the first video to surface which features the dynamic duo harassing Andrew W.K. (wtf?) in an effort to find Mr. Killums (who gets kidnapped.....puppetnapped?). Dig.