
Champaign-Urbana, IL - Musician, producer, composer, audio designer, and DJ Larry E. Gates II  has played hundreds of stages across the nation and has shared those stages with the likes of Chuck Berry, G. Love & Special Sauce, 30 Seconds To Mars, Local H, Superdrag, Trombone Shorty, Brother Ali, The Nappy Roots, Blueprint, DJ Rare Groove, Illogic, and many others.




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Entries in Eazy Duz It (1)

Throwback Thursdays: Eazy-E

So much to say about this track. Eazy's solo debut, Eazy Duz It, was realeased in the fall of 1988 - but I don't think I got my hands on it until the following summer. We were all attracted to his voice and general gangsta-ness but it wasn't until later that we realized he couldn't rap (or write...most of his verses were ghostwritten by Ice Cube, MC Ren and The D.O.C.). The fake interview bits are terrible but this is as good as it gets for an Eazy track. I think the thing I love most about it these days are the number of lists in the song. Check it....

"I specalize in gankin' whites, mexicans, brothers and others"

"Brother don't you know that you can't trust a theif or thug, convict, hoodlum or criminal"

"Anybody gettin' on my nerves will get beat, ganked, broke and served"

"Fill the boy, homeboy, don't lag - I want money, beer and a pack of zig-zags"