Real Talk Tuesdays: Pastor Joe Nelms
Tuesday, July 26, 2011 at 9:13AM
Larry in NASCAR, Pastor Joe Nelms, Real Talk Tuesdays, Video

I'm not easily offended.  I'm also not a religious man - meaning, I don't subscribe to any particular doctrine (other than Bill & Ted's "Be excellent to each other").  The video below is of Paster Joe Nelms delivering a prayer before a NASCAR race.  There are so many things wrong here I'm not sure where to start, but let me try.  

God (if he or she exists) doesn't give a shit about sports.  Full disclosure - while growing up in Indiana I participated in the Fellowship of Christian Athletes only to realize later that it was a hypocriticial popularity club that had no business declaring itself holy.

Let me also disclose that I grew up in an extremely religous household - both parents are Sunday School teachers - my father an elder in the church.  I myself preached from the pulpit on several occasions, eventually leaving home to attend a Christian college (but bailing after only one semester).  I say that only to say this - I know the scriptures, whether I put stock in them or not - and this is blashphemy of the greatest sort.

My parents never allowed us to say the phrase "Oh my God" - it was considered (to them) using "God's name in vain".  I disagree.  I think the video here is the real definition.  This man is making a mockery of the very faith he promotes.  THIS is the reason that extremists call us "The Infidels".   I'm disgusted.




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