Throwback Thursdays: The Fat Boys
Thursday, March 31, 2011 at 10:37AM
Larry in Elvis, Parke County, The Beach Boys, The Beatles, The Fat Boys, Throwback Thursdays, Video

It was the summer of 1989 and myself and a few friends had all told our parents the "I'm staying with so-and-so" bit - giving us unlimited freedom for the entire night.  The downside is, there is only so much you can do in rural Parke County, Indiana - especially after hours.  Boredom set in and we took refuge at an all night convenience store near Raccoon Lake Camping Grounds.  We made a midnight feast of microwavable pizzas and rotisserie hot dogs.  The store also had a VHS rental section (for the campers) and without any prompting, the crusty attendant put on the 1987 flop The Disorderlies (starring The Fat Boys) for our entertainment.  Terrible movie, but I'll always associate it with that uneventful, unsupervised night.  

In the clip below, the boys take on The Beatles' "Baby You're A Rich Man".  Purists will be offended, but remember that they did the same thing to both Elvis and The Beach Boys.



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